Each title is available from the ESPHS Publications Office. Contact Larry Laliberte, Publications Chair, at 15 Sunset Hill Ct., Carmel, NY 10512-5027 or via email at lawrencelaliberte426@gmail.com. We will work with you to achieve the best publication/shipping rate discount. Registered dealers are always welcome and receive the standard professional discount; a larger discount is made available to those dealers who are members of the ESPHS. (Availability as of September 2024)

Federal Post Offices of New York State
Reprinted June 1994, ESPHS
Alphabetical List referencing county, revised and corrected to March 1, 1973, 70 pages, Soft cover, 5.5” X 8.5” Format, Stapled.
List price $5.00; Member price $4.00. Plus $5.00 shipping. (1 in stock)
Enjoy a copy of the Federal Post Offices of New York State, Supplement No. 2, May 1974

Manuscript Post Offices of New York State
Edited by Henry Chlanda and Chester E. Wilcox
1984, 54 Pages, plus the 1999 Master supplement, Edited by Douglas Penwell, 34 Pages; both are soft cover and stapled.
List price $14.00; Member price $12.00. Plus $5.00 shipping. (3 sets in stock + 30 Supplements)

200 Years of Cayuga County, NY Postal History
Edited by Charles H. Sweeting
1998, 346 pages Hardbound in burgundy cloth with gold stamping. Contains manuscript, straight-line, county and postmaster cancels, early air mail service, local FDC’S and philatelic notables. Documentation is given for Postmaster appointments accompanied by pictures and comments abut each. Site maps are included, as well as illustrations of mail used. Acid free 28 lb. paper is used.
List price $40.00; Member price $30.00. Plus $6.50 shipping> (6 in stock)

Wayne County Postal History
Edited by Emma G. Koberg
1982, 81 pages, Soft bound with Plastic spiral binding. Maps, Postmarks, and Illustrations.
List price $10.00; Member price $8.00. Plus $5.00 shipping. (6 in stock)

Star Cancels of New York State
Edited by David Proulx
1987, 44 pages, Illustrated, Soft cover, Stapled.
List price $10.00; Member price $8.00. Plus $5.00 shipping. (9 in stock)

County and Postmaster Cancels of New York State
Edited by David Proulx
1990, 44 pages, Illustrated, Soft cover, Stapled (rusty).
List price $10.00; Member price $8.00. Plus $5.00 shipping. (88 in stock)