What follows is a listing of all New York State post offices and postmasters, by county, plus the New York State Offices Master Index that gives the offices in alphabetical order, and locates them by county, etc. This work has been compiled by Thomas C. Mazza, who is happy to make it available for use on our website, but retains the material rights.
NY Post Offices Master Index

Counties listed Alphabetically

A Word About Inclusions
The listing only covers post offices through end of the nineteenth century (not all, and i.e., by December 31, 1900) and postmasters of those offices who were appointed through the end of 1910 (in order to give some substance to late offices, and to cover periods of Doane, RFD, etc. activity). This does leave out offices, and postmasters, and even at least one county (Bronx). The economic information is from the Official Register listings (1816, then 1817 and every two years thereafter), which give the reported results from the postmasters, showing compensation (throughout), and from the 1841 through the 1869 editions, the excess proceeds which were to be paid over to the P.O. department (which, for those years, would together represent the turnover of the office.) All years are for the fiscal year ending in the year of publication (mostly a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year, although there was some variation prior to the 1840’s). All years are given for one year periods except the 1843 figures, which are for July 1, 1841 to June 30, 1843, a two fiscal year period. There are some differences from the information reported by Johnny Kay, but I have tried to indicate where that occurs. TCM