A biannual award-winning journal on New York Postal History, currently published April and October by the Empire State Postal History Society. Members or others are solicited to contribute data of mutual interest for publication. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Jeff Stage at nyspostal@gmail.com and CC: President Charles J. DiComo at charlesdicomo@gmail.com.
The journal has experienced a number of iterations, starting life named the Excelsior (original series), then the Journal of New York State Postal History. Finally, in the spring of 2003 it was renamed Excelsior! – the New Series. We are always looking for back issues to complete the archive; please contact Charles J. DiComo, PhD at charlesdicomo@gmail.com.
Excelsior! New Series, New Editor-in-Chief, 2020 to Present
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 39-New Series, April 2024
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 38-New Series, October 2023
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 37-New Series, April 2023
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 36-New Series, October 2022
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 35-New Series, March 2022
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 34-New Series, September 2021
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 33-New Series, March 2021
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 32-New Series, September 2020
Excelsior! New Series, 2003 to March 2020
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 31-New Series, March 2020
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 30-New Series, September 2019
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 29-New Series, March 2019
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 28-New Series, September 2018
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 27-New Series, March 2018
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 26-New Series, September 2017
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 25-New Series, March 2017
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 24-New Series, March 2016
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 23-New Series, March 2015
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 22-New Series, March 2014
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 21-New Series, September 2013
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 20-New Series, March 2013
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 19-New Series, September 2012
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 18-New Series, March 2012
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 17-New Series, September 2011
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 16-New Series, March 2011
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 15-New Series, September 2010
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 14-New Series, March 2010
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 13-New Series, September 2009
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 12-New Series, March 2009
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 11-New Series, September 2008
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 10-New Series, March 2008
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 09-New Series, September 2007
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 08-New Series, March 2007
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 06-New Series, March 2006
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 05-New Series, September 2005
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 04-New Series, March 2005
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 03-New Series, September 2004
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 02-New Series, March 2004
EXCELSIOR! Whole No. 01-New Series, September 2003
Introducing the Excelsior! & The Journal of New York State Postal History, Bibliography, November 2003
The Journal of New York State Postal History
Journal of New York State Postal History, 2003 Vol. 38 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 2002 Vol. 37 Fall
Journal of New York State Postal History, 2002 Vol. 36 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 2001 Vol. 35 Fall
Journal of New York State Postal History, 2001 Vol. 34 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 2000 Vol. 33 Fall
Journal of New York State Postal History, 2000 Vol. 32 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1999 Vol. 32 Summer
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1999 Vol. 31 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1998 Vol. 30 Fall
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1998 Vol. 30 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1997 Vol. 29 Fall
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1997 Vol. 29 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1996 Vol. 28 Summer-Fall
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1996 Vol. 29 Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1995 Vol. 28 Fall
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1995 Vol. 27 Winter-Spring
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1994-95 Vol. 27 Winter
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1994 Vol. 26 Summer
Journal of New York State Postal History, 1992 Vol. 25, 1-2, 1992 Fall-Winter, 25th Anniversary
Excelsior Original Series – 1971 onward
EXCELSIOR, 1977-08, Vol. 5, No. 1, Whole 9
EXCELSIOR, 1976-11, Vol. 4, No. 2, Whole 8
EXCELSIOR, 1976-04, Vol. 4, No. 1, Whole 7
EXCELSIOR, 1975-08, Vol. 3, No. 2, Whole 6
EXCELSIOR, 1974-11, Vol. 3, No. 1, Whole 5
EXCELSIOR, 1973-11, Vol. 2, No. 2, Whole 4
EXCELSIOR, 1973-04, Vol. 2, No. 1, Whole 3
Postal History, 1972-05, Vol. 1, No. 2, Whole 2
EXCELSIOR, 1971, Vol. 1, No. 1, Whole 1